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Tài liệu 2D-QSAR studies on MexAB-OprM efflux pump inhibitors of Pseudomonas aeruginos : Graduate Thesis for Pharmacist, Majors of Medicine Administration and Supply(Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 2020) Nguyen, Truong Khanh Vy; Phan, Thien Vy (Scientific instructor)Result and discussion: This study had totally five QSAR models with dependent value was MPC8, which were created by different descriptors. The validation results revealed that R2 values and Q2 value of all models were surprisingly greater than 0.80 and 0.77, respectively. In addition, the other values such as RMSE, R2pred, 𝑟𝑚 ̅̅2̅ and ∆r2m were come up to validation criteria. Two best models of five were LVFX and AZT_1 would be applied to virtual screening database. As a result, there were 15 compounds and 07 compounds had predicted MPC8 less than 10 µM in LVFX model and AZT_1 model, respectively, also, all of them met Five rules of Lipinski. On the other hand, five substances from Drugbank database were forecasted to have predicted MPC8 under 10 µM . Additionally, the predicted MPC8 value under 10 µM (G-9 (spergulin A) from Glinus oppositifolius.Tài liệu 3D pharmacophore model studies on ACRB efflux pump inhibitors of Escherichia coli : Graduate Thesis for Pharmacist, Majors of Medicine Administration and Supply(Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 2020) Tran, Thuy Vy; Phan, Thien Vy (Scientific instructor)In silico method is not only economic but also saving time. Moreover, it is used to screen specific compounds so that it will contribute to develop drug target. 3D-pharmacophore models on AcrB inhibitors helps to design and predict AcrB inhibitors which can apply to find new drugs.Tài liệu 3D-Pharmacophore model studies on MexB efflux pump inhibitor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa : Final Report Scientific Research Project Of Student In 2020(Nguyen Tat Thanh University (Faculty of Pharmacy), 2020) Dinh, Nguyen Thuy Duyen; Phan, Thien Vy (Hướng dẫn)From the database of 139 substances in 18 scafford collected from 20 scientific papers, 6 3D Pharmacophore models were built based on ligand: 4 models based on MPC8 value and 2 models based on IC50 value. Then validate models based on sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and GH score and choose the 3 best models to virtual screening on large databases such as DrugBank, Traditional Chinese Medical. In which Model (3) has 4 features: 2 hydrophobic centroids and 2 hydro bonding acceptors HHaa. Model (4) with 4 features: 1 aromatic ring, 1 hydrophobic centroid and 2 hydro bonding acceptors RHAA. Model (5) with 4 feartures: 3 hydrophobic centroids and 1 hydro bonding acceptors HHHa.Tài liệu 3D-Pharmacophore model studies on MexB efflux pump inhibitor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa : Final Report Topics Student Science Research Program In 2020 / ; Phan Thien Vy Science instructor(Nguyen Tat Thanh University (Faculty of Pharmacy), 2020) Dinh, Nguyen Thuy Duyen; Phan, Thien Vy, M.S.Pharm. (Scientific instructor)Research for screening compounds which satisfy all 3 models, will be conduct screening through Qsar model and molecular docking studies on MexAB-OprM crystal structures to find the binding pocket of these. Some suggestions and solutions.Tài liệu 3D-Pharmacophore model studies on MexB efflux pump inhibitor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa : Graduate Thesis for Pharmacist, Majors of Medicine Administration and Supply(Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 2020) Dinh, Nguyen Thuy Duyen; Phan, Thien Vy (Scientific instructor)3D-Pharmacophore models are successfully built and screened for potential substances. The study suggests screening through Qsar and Docking models, then conducting in vitro and in vivo tests to determine their true biological activity on impacted target and discover additional compounds with MexAB-OprM inhibitory activityTài liệu 3D-pharmacophore models studies on acrb efflux pump inhibitors of escherichia coli : Dissertation final report scientific research project of student in 2020(Nguyen Tat Thanh University (Faculty of Pharmacy), 2020) Tran, Thuy Vy; Phan, Thien Vy, M.S.Pharm. (Scientific instructor)Tài liệu A Closer look into recent economy, Whether or not Vietnam faces a 10-year crisis?(Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 2019) Dinh, Cong Tuan; Sun, YingJunFrom 2018, the global economy began to grow strongly and synchronously, but as 2018 passed, the development momentum has become slower, faded, along with biased growing trends. The US economy has accelerated thanks to fiscal stimulus policies early this year, while the economy of the EU, Britain, Japan and China began to weaken. These differences will continue to exist in 2019 and Vietnam is not excluded. This study is a closer look into Vietnamese economy from 2007 up to now & prediction to the upcoming period. Objective: The present study aims at giving predictions & recommendations to sustain Vietnam’s economy in the next years based on analyzing multiple economic indicators such as: economic growth rate, inflation, unemployment rate, import and export throughout the period 2007 – 2018. Material and methods: General information about the Vietnam’s economy & crisis trend was collected from the documentation provided by National Financial Committee as well as economic websites. Then, the authors analyzed & made comparisons between years to years & created tables to show them clearly. Secondary data, such as theoretical frameworks and literature, were obtained from reference books, scientific books, scientific articles and peer reviewed journals. Results: The economy since 2007 has been so volatile: the economic growth rate fell erratically, unpredictably; unemployment & inflation rate are still really big problems while import, export & investment have prospered gradually. Conclusions: Vietnam's economy is on a good & rapid growth path, with many economic advantages. However, in essence, Vietnam is still a young economy, so we need to be well prepared to cope with major economic fluctuations that may occur, possibly next year – the beginning year of the 10-year crisis period.Tài liệu A light gradient boosting machine-based method for predicting the dynamic response of functionally graded plates(Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 2024) Do, Thi Thanh Dieu; Nguyen, Hoang YenThe primary objective of this paper is to efficiently predict the dynamic response of functionally graded plates using LightGBM – a light gradient boosting machine, without reliance on supplementary analysis tools. To obtain the optimal LightGBM model, a dataset comprising 1,000 pairs of input and output is generated through iterations using a combination of isogeometric analysis (IGA) and third-order shear deformation plate theory (TSDT). In this model, the input is represented by a power index which governs the material distribution of the plate, and the output comprises 200 values illustrating deflection over time. To demonstrate the effectiveness of LightGBM in terms of accuracy and computational time, the results obtained by the proposed model are compared to those achieved with the optimal ANN, XGBoost models, and IGA.Tài liệu A Mixed-Method Study of ICT Labour Market in Ho Chi Minh City(Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 2024) Duong, Thi Kim Xoa; Nguyen, Tuan Anh; Tran, Binh Hau; Nguyen, Phuong ThongThe purpose of this study is to provide insights into Information and Communication Technology (ICT) labour market in Ho Chi Minh City – the most important centre of VietnameseICT industry. The study was conducted using an innovative mix of semi-structured interview, online survey, desk research, and content analysis methods. Qualitative and quantitative data on enterprise profiles, business directions, employment situation, employment prospect, and job profiles in the industry were collected and analysed to provide a view of the ICT labour market and the ICT employers in Ho Chi Minh City. As it is probably the most comprehensive survey of the ICT labour market for Ho Chi Minh City, the data has been used for the development of a labour market information system.Tài liệu A simple non-enzymatic protocol for isolation and culture of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissues(Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 2018) Nguyen, Thi Phuong; Nguyen, Huu HungMesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells – ability to differentiate into several cell types. Previous studies have showed a high number of these cells can be found in adipose tissue. This study has established a simple protocol for isolation and culture of MSCs from mouse adipose tissue using minimal requirements. With non-enzymatic approach, we successfully isolated and cultured the MSCs. Isolated MSCs were identified through morphology and ability of differentiation into adipocyte-like cells under the presense of stimuli in the culture medium.Tài liệu ác nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến rủi ro tín dụng khách hàng cá nhân tại Ngân hàng TMCP Đông Á-Chi nhánh Tp.HCM : Luận văn thạc sĩ tài chính Ngân hàng(Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành (Khoa Tài chính - Kế toán), 2021) Nguyễn, Bảo Trung; Nguyễn, Đình Hùng, TS. (Hướng Dẫn)Xác định các nhân tố ảnh hưởng tới R.Ro.TD cá nhân tại Ngân Hàng TMCP Đông Á - Chi nhánh Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, đo lường và kiểm định mức độ ảnh khưởng của các nhân tố tới R.Ro.TD KHCN tại Ngân Hàng TMCP Đông Á - Chi nhánh Tp.HCM. Từ đó, đề xuất một số ý kiến quản trị nhằm hạn chế rủi ro trong lĩnh vực tín dụng cá nhân tại Ngân Hàng TMCP Đong Á - Chi nhánh tại TP.HCM.Tài liệu Ẩm thực truyền thống Huế trong phát triển du lịch tại thành phố Huế : Luận văn Thạc sĩ Du lịch; Mã ngành: 8840101(Trường Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành (Khoa Du lịch), 2023) Đào, Thị Thùy Ninh; Nguyễn, Văn Hoàng, TS.Đề tài được thực hiện với mục tiêu nhận diện và hướng đến việc khai thác hiệu quả ẩm thực truyền thống Huế trong phát triển du lịch tại thành phố Huế.Tài liệu An effective protocol for isolation and culture of mesenchymal stem cells from mouse bone marrow(Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 2018) Nguyen, Thi Phuong; Nguyen, Huu HungBone marrow is known as the main source of isolated mesenchymal stem cells. This study has demonstrated a protocol for isolation and culture of mesenchymal stem cells from mouse bone marrow (mBM) with minimal requirement. The cells were harvested from the tibias and femurs, and then cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum. The mBM-MSCs were isolated by media changing every 8 hours in 24 hours of culture and sub-culture. Target cells subsequently were regconized by adipogenic differentiaton posibility. The study also focused on descript a simple procedure to culture BM-MSCs and the results obtained following the procedure.Tài liệu An investigation into how mindfulness practice might improve listening comprehension of English learners in Viet Nam(Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 2024) Nguyen, Hoai PhuongThis study investigated the effect of short mindfulness exercises on the listening comprehension of Vietnamese students learning English. Research participants (N = 190) were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group who received three five-minute mindfulness sessions before listening tests and the control group who received the mindfulness intervention only before the last listening test. The results showed a significant interaction effect between the group variable and test scores, indicating that mindfulness meditation can enhance listening comprehension of the experimental compared to the control group. These findings align with previous studies on the positive effects of mindfulness on listening comprehension of foreign language learners. This study suggests that mindfulness may be a valuable tool not only in education in general but also in language learning and teaching.Tài liệu Analysis of digital marketing activities of topzone high-end technology store chain : Graduate thesis : Business Administration, academic year 2019 - 20222(Trường Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành (Khoa Quản trị kinh doanh), 2022) Trinh, Thi Thuy Duong; Tang, Thị Bich Hien, MAFind out the current state of digital marketing at Topzone high-end technology store chain. Evaluate And Make Recommendations For Digital Marketing Of TopZone High-End Technology Store ChainTài liệu Analysis of digital marketing activities of topzone high-end technology store chain : Khóa luận tốt nghiệp, chuyên ngành Quản trị Kinh doanh(Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành (Khoa Quản trị Kinh doanh), 2022) Tran, Thi Thuy Duong; Tang, Thi Bich Hien, MA (Instruct)Find out the current state of digital marketing at Topzone high-end technology store chain. Evaluate And Make Recommendations For Digital Marketing Of TopZone High-End Technology Store ChainTài liệu Analyzing genetic diversity of chloroplast genomes in Liliales(Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 2022) Do, Hoang Dang KhoaLiliales is a monocotyledonous order and contains both photosynthetic and mycoheterotrophic species that distribute locally or worldwide. In this study, the genetic diversity of chloroplast genomes in Liliales was explored regarding their nucleotide diversity and repeated composition. The analysis of nucleotide diversity revealed various hotspots in large and small single-copy regions whereas the IR regions had low sequence divergence. Although each family has specific hotspots, the rps15-ycf1 region was commonly found as a highly variable area in the cpDNA of observed taxa. In the cpDNA of Liliales, mononucleotide simple sequence repeat (SSR) is the most common type. The majority of SSRs are located in non-coding regions. Similarly, more long repeats were found in non-coding areas than in coding sequences. Additionally, the complement repeat exceeds forward type in the cpDNA of Liliales. The highest number of long repeats was found in Corsia dispar whereas that of SSRs was detected in Smilax china. The results of nucleotide diversity and repeat analyses provided fundamental information for further studies on population genetics, molecular marker development and evolutionary history of Liliales.Tài liệu Ảnh hưởng của ánh sáng và Nitơ lên sự tăng trưởng, hàm lượng Protein và khả năng chống Oxy hóa của Tảo Spirulina Sp.(Trường Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành, 2018) Nguyễn, Thị Bích Ngọc; Võ, Hồng Trung, TS. (Hướng dẫn)Luận văn tìm hiểu, xác định điều kiện ánh sáng, nồng độ nitơ thích hợp cho tăng trưởng và tích lũy protein ở Spirulina sp. Trong đó tập trung xác định khả năng chống oxy hóa và hàm lượng acid amin ở các chủng Spirulina sp.Tài liệu Ảnh hưởng của ánh sáng và Nitơ lên sự tăng trưởng, hàm lượng Protein và khả năng chống oxy hóa của Tảo SPIRULINA SP. : Khóa luận tốt nghiệp Dược sĩ Đại học Chuyên ngành Sản xuất và phát triển thuốc(Trường Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành, 2018) Nguyễn, Thị Bích Ngọc; Võ, Hồng Trung, TS. (Hướng dẫn)Tổng quan về Spirulina sp. (hay còn gọi Tảo Spirulina); Đặc điểm sinh học, cách phân loại, hình thái và cấu trúc tế bào Spirulina sp.; Protein và khả năng chống oxy hóa cũng như ứng dụng nuôi trồng của Spirulina sp.. Từ đó đưa ra phương pháp nghiên cứu, các kết quả đạt được và kiến nghị.Tài liệu Ảnh hưởng của các Hydrocolloid lên hiệu suất sinh tổng hợp Cellulose của vi khuẩn Acetobacter Xylinum(Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành (Khoa Kỹ thuật Thực phẩm và Môi trường), 2019) Nguyễn, Lê Hoàng Bảo; Nguyễn, Quốc Duy, ThS (Hướng dẫn)Trong nghiên cứu này, ảnh hưởng của các hydrocolloid lên hiệu suất sinh tổng hợp cellulose của vi khuẩn A. xylinum được khảo sát. Hiệu quả của quá trình lên men cellulose được mô tả dựa trên sự thay đổi pH, độ acid tổng, hàm lượng glucose, số lượng vi sinh vật trong canh trường lên men, hiệu suất sinh tổng hợp cellulose và bề dày của lớp cellulose hình thành. Lượng đường ban đầu 50g/l của môi trường HS giảm mạnh từ ngày 0 (44.862) đến ngày 7 (8.078) và những ngày sau bắt đầu giảm từ từ cho đến khi môi trường cạn kiệt cơ chất. Việc không hình thành được cellulose là do vi sinh vật chỉ sử dụng đường để tăng sinh khối. KJ 0.2% đạt hiệu quả tốt nhất về khối lượng BC (6.97 gDW/L) và độ dày BC (3.54mm). XG ở các nồng độ 0.1%,0.2% và 0.3% thu được sự ổn định về khối lượng cellulose (4.96 gDW/L - 6.52gDW/L) và độ dày cellulose (2.54mm-2.67mm) khá tương đồng nhau MCC ở các nồng độ luôn ở mức hiệu quả thấp nhất.