Duyệt theo Tác giả "Nguyen, Hoai Phuong"
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Tài liệu An investigation into how mindfulness practice might improve listening comprehension of English learners in Viet Nam(Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 2024) Nguyen, Hoai PhuongThis study investigated the effect of short mindfulness exercises on the listening comprehension of Vietnamese students learning English. Research participants (N = 190) were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group who received three five-minute mindfulness sessions before listening tests and the control group who received the mindfulness intervention only before the last listening test. The results showed a significant interaction effect between the group variable and test scores, indicating that mindfulness meditation can enhance listening comprehension of the experimental compared to the control group. These findings align with previous studies on the positive effects of mindfulness on listening comprehension of foreign language learners. This study suggests that mindfulness may be a valuable tool not only in education in general but also in language learning and teaching.